Why Polly Danger reusable sponges are my favorite sustainable swap to date and why they’ll change your eco friendly journey forever.
If there is one green change that I’ve stuck to 100% it’s switching from disposable sponges to reusable ones. In the last decade of my sustainable journey this is the one thing I’ve never slacked off on. Why? I think it’s because disposable sponges are literally a gross waste of money. They’re ugly, they’re full of germs, and in the end they’re just garbage. Garbage that contributes to greenhouse gasses by being compressed in a landfill. In contrast, my sponges are pretty, cheerful, and infused with love. They’re washable and therefore more hygienic. And best of all, they’re biodegradable at the end of their very, very long lives.

How long exactly does a Forever Sponge live? I have half a dozen sponges in rotation and 2 of them are at least seven years old, if not more. I don’t toss sponges often, that’s for sure. And when I have, they just go right into my backyard compost heap. You can also add your cotton sponge to city compost bins, or check municipal recycling rules for more options. *pro tip: you can cut up a Forever Sponge into quarters to make it compost even faster. Returning something to the earth where it can create new life once again is incredibly satisfying. Addicting even.
Reusable Sponges aren’t just for the kitchen!
This hardworking little buddy who helps you clean everything. Use one in the kitchen, one for the counter top, one for the bathroom, and one to clean yourself! When your sponges come in happy colors it’s easy to designate each one to a different room or person. Yellow for the kitchen (yellow is always so happy in a kitchen), pink for the bathroom (I like a feminine bathroom), and blue for all the other odds and ends.

Handmade cotton sponges are a nearly zero waste solution compared to factory made “eco sponges”.
Yes, you can now easily find “eco friendly” versions of the yellow and green factory made sponge in just about every store now. They’ve slapped some eco-friendly looking graphics on their plastic wrapper. They’ve changed the sponge color from hideous green and yellow to a poop-like brown. Don’t be fooled by green-washed packaging. Factory made eco sponges can still create pollution and greenhouse gasses if the end product is not biodegradable. The truth is that mass produced products are rarely transparent in their methods so you never really know how they’re made. Even “sustainable” ones.
Using biodegradable cotton sponges creates a sustainable chain reaction that will improve the way you clean.
Cotton sponges do feel different in the hand than disposables. But after using cotton, the commercial version feels wrong. Way too stiff. Fake. Yucky. I much prefer the soft scrubby action of my adorable and cheerful sponges. If you’re wondering about scrub action, simply use baking soda for things that need to be scoured. Baking soda scrubs a thousand times better than the scrubby side of a commercial sponge and it won’t scratch your dishes. Plus it’s biodegradable. Win, win, win.

It’s sustainable, hard working, machine washable, and it comes in bright, beautiful colors!
If I’m truly open and honest here, a huge reason I love my eco-sponges so much is because they’re about 5,000 times cuter than the literal future-garbage you can find at the supermarket. Chores are easier when your tools are beautiful. Zero waste living is easier when your materials make you happy. Life is better when your environment is uplifting. This is why I’m committed to making earth friendly products that are beautifully designed and made to last.
What about you? Are you considering making the switch to reusable sponges? You can find my 100% cotton reusable sponges here.